
Have you ever been told that you were a dumb dumb, a slow poke, or just plain stupid because you couldn’t figure out an answer to a question or riddle or you took an IQ test and didn’t do so well or maybe you were in the bottom half of your class when it came to grades? Well, I haven’t. I always did well when it came to academia. I usually was in the top of my class and I liked it. It made me feel good but was I intelligent, not necessarily. People decided to measure intelligence by how much education you have. The questions asked on an IQ test, while not seemingly difficult, sometimes requires a person to have a certain amount of education to deduce them. I recently took a Wonderlic test, a political pundit just said that all candidates for the Presidential office should take one prior to becoming President, and I did well (I’m not running for President). I scored a 45 but I argued with my computer for 12 minutes because one of the questions that it asked was misleading. The question, “which does not belong” the answers were A. Dentist B. Optometrist C. Orthodontist D. Dental Hygienist. I chose D. Dental Hygienist, the reason was because that was the only profession where you weren’t considered a doctor as all others are considered doctors but the answer was B. Optometrist because he was the only person that didn’t deal with teeth. I argued with my computer for those 12 minutes. I berated my computer and it, like a good puppy, didn’t say a thing back. I felt bad afterwards and I gave it hug and told him that both made sense. So I unofficially raised my score to a 46. Does that make me intelligent, maybe a little crazy, but not intelligent. Let me just say that I didn’t really argue with my computer, I just looked up all the professions to make sure I was right, and I so happened to be correct…. so I raised my score. With comedians getting there jokes brought up these days and used against them, I wanted to set the record straight. The reason I bring this topic up is because so much is being made of intelligence, in the realm of educational smarts, and other qualitative factors are being ignored.

I feel intelligence or the most intelligent person on the planet is the person, that throughout his and/or her life, smiled the most, enjoyed the most and sacrificed, in terms of having to do things that they don’t feel are right, the least to get there. That is my definition of the most intelligent person on the planet. While different things make us happy; some love academia while others love the beach, while others love being in love, the tool you use to measure this, quantatively, is the amount of time you spend smiling in your life and truly enjoying yourself or being happy without having to give away your moral beliefs of what is right and wrong. I, personally, was setting a record in this. I was doing well financially without having to give up my heart felt beliefs, dated some very interesting women, married maybe the most sought after woman, not because she was the most sought after but because of her truly amazing heart, and had a child that was the funniest and happiest kid that you might have ever seen in your life, i.e. at 4 years old I dropped a dish and broke it and he looks at me and shakes his head and says “what a douche” and at 8 years old he said that he was thinking of changing religions because the constitution allows freedom of religion and yom kippur or hannukah was around the corner and he heard that you get gifts every day for 10 straight days and change back when Christmas came around. I told him he can choose whatever religion he wanted but not for the gifts.

Unfortunately my tides turned and am now actively seeking my intelligence quotient again. The point being is that I went from being one of the smartest people in the world to being, maybe, the dumbest son of a bitch alive but I didn’t get any dumber education wise, in fact, I was going to school to finish up my degree, I just simply lost what made me happy or had it taken away, however you want to look at it, it’s not there anymore. Now, I’m not sad or depressed, luckily, what internal mechanisms that I was born with allow me to handle these situations and try to find a solution on how to regain the title as the smartest person in the world. The trek hasn’t been easy as obstacles have presented themselves along the way but I seemingly have a grasp on them for now.

In articles you read, you see politicians being challenged on there intelligence but how dumb can that person be if he/she is in the position that you want. I, for one, thought that I had a better chance of hitting the lottery on the same day that I challenged Lebron James to a game of one on one while I played in a wheelchair blindfolded and winning both at the exact same time then Donald Trump had of ever being elected President. So did half of the people, the ones that didn’t vote for him, which by coincidence are the same ones that challenge his IQ, so you can reasonably assume that when you challenge the smarts of a politician you obviously voted in the other direction, so how can you challenge him on his intelligence. The challenge will come, when at the end of his Presidency in either 2020 or 2024, he says it made him the happiest man alive or it didn’t. Most Presidents say that the best day of their lives are the day they enter office and the day they leave. Everything else in between is a test of who you are as a person. I, for one, didn’t vote for President Trump, but like I have written prior, I hope he proves to be the best President in our history and the person that succeeds him, is even better, why would you want anything else, if for nothing else, for yourself and your family. That would truly be an amazing trend, not unlike those amazing cat videos that everyone posts on twitter or snap chat. I think that too much emphasis is placed on raw human intellect and not enough on conceptaulizing the problem in front of you in different ways or, simply put, using common sense to reach a solution that some people tend to over think.

Albert Einstein, long considered the smartest man to walk on this planet wasn’t even the smartest man of his era, not according to his grades. His phenom or brilliance was presented in thinking outside the box and applying a different approach to a problem when a solution couldn’t be found. Oddly enough though, everyone said that he enjoyed life to the fullest. Maybe that’s why he’s the smartest man alive.

Another good example is if you ever heard of the story of the truck that got stuck under the bridge, engineers came over and were trying to figure out how to raise the bridge when a child came over and said that maybe you can let the air out of the tires. While that may be a fable, it is long considered a tale of how intelligence, when presented in a group of similar thinkers, can actually prevent you from getting the right answer. That’s why, in politics, I feel that having someone propose an opposite idea of what the group is considering, just to see what the outcome would be, is essential in getting the right answer, which would make everyone happier, right?

A person once told me, that due to my current situation, that 90% of the people were against me and that only 10% were for me. So after I did some calculating, inversing the the sine and cosine wave tangents and measuring for probabilities and unforeseen weather events and then adding a little magic, I found out that whatever makes that 90% dumber, or unhappy, will actually increase my IQ, or happiness, exponentially.


Women’s Contribution

Women who changed the world

A list of famous influential women, including women’s rights activists, poets, musicians, politicians, humanitarians and scientists.sapphoSappho (circa  570 BCE) One of the first known female writers. Much of her poetry has been lost but her immense reputation has remained. Plato referred to Sappho as one of the great 10 poets.

cleopatraCleopatra (69 BCE–30 BCE) The last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt. Cleopatra sought to defend Egypt from the expanding Roman Empire. In doing so she formed relationships with two of Rome’s most powerful leaders, Marc Anthony and Julius Caesar.

mary-magdaleneMary Magdalene (4 BCE–40BCE) Accounts from the Gospels and other sources suggest Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers. Mary Magdalene stood near Jesus at his crucifixion and was the first to see his resurrection.

boudicaBoudicca (1st Century CE) Boudicca was an inspirational leader of the Britons. She led several tribes in revolt against the Roman occupation. Initially successful, her army of 100,000 sacked Colchester and then London. Her army was later defeated.

hildegard-von-bingenHildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) Mystic, author and composer. Hildegard of Bingen lived a withdrawn life, spending most of her time behind convent walls. However, her writings, poetry and music were revelatory for the time period. She was consulted by popes, kings and influential people of the time. Her writings and music have influenced people to this day.

eleanorEleanor of Aquitaine (1122–1204) The first Queen of France. Two of her sons Richard and John went on to become Kings of England. Educated, beautiful and highly articulate, Eleanor influenced the politics of western Europe through her alliances and influence over her sons.

joanJoan of Arc (1412–1431) The patron saint of France, Joan of Arc inspired a French revolt against the occupation of the English. An unlikely hero, at the age of just 17, the diminutive Joan successfully led the French to victory at Orleans. Her later trial and martyrdom only heightened her mystique.

mirabaiMirabai (1498–1565) Indian mystic and poet. Mirabai was born into a privileged Hindu family, but she forsook the expectations of a princess and spent her time as a mystic and devotee of Sri Krishna. She helped revitalise the tradition of bhakti (devotional) yoga in India.

Teresa_of_AvilaSt Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) Spanish mystic, poet and Carmelite reformer. St Teresa of Avila lived through the Spanish inquisition but avoided being placed on trial despite her mystical revelations. She helped to reform the tradition of Catholicism and steer the religion away from fanaticism.

Catherine-mediciCatherine de Medici (1519–1589) Born in Florence, Italy, Catherine was married to the King of France at the age of 14. She was involved in interminable political machinations seeking to increase the power of her favoured sons. This led to the disastrous St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.

elizabethElizabeth I (1533–1603) Queen of England during a time of great economic and social change, she saw England cemented as a Protestant country. During her reign, she witnessed the defeat of the Spanish Armada leaving Britain to later become one of the world’s dominant superpowers.

catherine-greatCatherine the Great (1729–1796) One of the greatest political leaders of the Eighteenth Century. Catherine the Great was said to have played an important role in improving the welfare of Russian serfs. She placed great emphasis on the arts and helped to cement Russia as one of the dominant countries in Europe.

mary-wollstonecraftMary Wollstonecraft (1759–1797) English author, Wollstonecraft wrote the most significant book in the early feminist movement. Her pamphlet “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” laid down a moral and practical basis for extending human and political rights to women. She was a pioneer in the struggle for female suffrage.

jane-austenJane Austen (1775–1817) One of the most famous female authors of all time, Jane Austen wrote several novels, which remain highly popular today. These include Pride and Prejudice, Emma and Northanger Abbey. Jane Austen wrote at a time when female writers were not encouraged, helping pave the way for future writers.

Sojourner_truthSojourner Truth (1797 – 1883) African-American abolitionist and women’s rights campaigner. In 1851, gave a famous extemporaneous speech “Ain’t I a woman?” which explained in plain language how women were equal to men.

harriet-beecher-stoweMargaret Fuller (1810–1850) An American women’s rights advocate. Her book Women in the Nineteenth Century (1845) was influential in changing perceptions about men and women, and was one of the most important early feminist works. She argued for equality and women being more self-dependent and less dependent on men.

harriet-beecher-stoweHarriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896) A lifelong anti-slavery campaigner. Her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a bestseller and helped to popularise the anti-slavery campaign. Abraham Lincoln later remarked that her books were a major factor behind the American civil war.

elizabeth-cady-stantonElizabeth Cady Stanton (1815–1902) American social activist and leading figure in the early women’s rights movement. She was a key figure in helping create the early women’s suffrage movements in the US. She was the principle author of Declaration of Sentiments in 1848.

queen-victoriaQueen Victoria (1819–1901) British Queen. Presiding over one of the largest empires ever seen, Queen Victoria was the head of state from 1837 – 1901. Queen Victoria sought to gain an influence in British politics whilst remaining aloof from party politics. She came to symbolise a whole era of Victorian values.

florence-nightingaleFlorence Nightingale (1820–1910) British nurse. By serving in the Crimean war, Florence Nightingale was instrumental in changing the role and perception of the nursing profession. Her dedicated service won widespread admiration and led to a significant improvement in the treatment of wounded soldiers.

susan-b-anthonySusan B. Anthony (1820–1906) American Campaigner against slavery and for the promotion of women’s and workers rights. She began campaigning within the temperance movement and this convinced her of the necessity for women to have the vote. She toured the US giving countless speeches on the subjects of human rights.

Elizabeth_BlackwellElizabeth Blackwell ( 1821–1910) Born in Britain, Blackwell was the first woman to receive a medical degree in America and the first woman to be on the UK medical register. Blackwell helped to break down social barriers, enabling women to be accepted as doctors.

emily-dickinsonEmily Dickinson (1830–1886) One of America’s greatest poets, Emily Dickinson lived most of her life in seclusion. Her poems were published posthumously and received widespread literary praise for their bold and unconventional style. Her poetic style left a significant legacy on 20th Century poetry.

millicent-fawcettMillicent Fawcett (1846–1929)  A leading suffragist and campaigner for equal rights for women. She led Britain’s biggest suffrage organisation, the non-violent (NUWSS) and played a key role in gaining women the vote. She also helped found Newnham College, Cambridge.

emily-pankhurstEmmeline Pankhurst (1858–1928) A British suffragette, Emily Pankhurst dedicated her life to the promotion of women’s rights. She explored all avenues of protest including violence, public demonstrations and hunger strikes. She died in 1928, 3 weeks before a law giving all women over 21 the right to vote.

marie-curieMarie Curie (1867–1934) Polish/French scientist. Curie was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize and the first person to win the Nobel Prize for two separate categories. Her first award was for research into radioactivity (Physics, 1903). Her second Nobel prize was for Chemistry in 1911. A few years later she also helped develop the first X-ray machines.

emily-murphyEmily Murphy (1868–1933) The first woman magistrate in the British Empire. In 1927 she joined forces with four other Canadian women who sought to challenge an old Canadian law that said, “women should not be counted as persons.”


Rosa Luxemburg (1870–1919) Polish/German Marxist revolutionary, Rosa Luxemburg sought to bring social reform to Germany. She wrote fiercely against German imperialism and for international socialism. In 1919, she was murdered after a failed attempt to bring about a Communist revolution in Germany.


Helena Rubinstein (1870–1965) American businesswoman. Rubinstein formed one of the world’s first cosmetic companies. Her business enterprise proved immensely successful and, later in life, she used her enormous wealth to support charitable enterprises in the field of education, art and health.

Helen KellerHelen Keller (1880–1968) American social activist. At the age of 19 months, Helen became deaf and blind. Overcoming the frustration of losing both sight and hearing she campaigned tirelessly on behalf of deaf and blind people.

Coco-ChanelCoco Chanel (1883–1971) French fashion designer. One of the most innovative fashion designers, Coco Chanel was instrumental in defining feminine style and dress during the 20th Century. Her ideas were revolutionary; in particular she often took traditionally male clothes and redesigned them for the benefit of women.

eleanor-rooseveltEleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962) Wife and political aide of American president F.D.Roosevelt. In her own right Eleanor made a significant contribution to the field of human rights, a topic she campaigned upon throughout her life. As head of UN human rights commission she helped to draft the 1948 UN declaration of human rights.

annie-besantAnnie Besant (1847–1933) British campaigner for social justice, an advocate of women’s rights and later member of the Theosophist society. She also actively campaigned for Indian independence.

katherine-hepburnKatharine Hepburn (1907–2003) American actress. An iconic figure of twentieth Century film, Katharine Hepburn won four Oscars and received over twelve Oscar nominations. Her lifestyle was unconventional for the time and through her acting and life, she helped redefine traditional views of women’s roles in society.

Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964) American conservationist. Rachel Carson was a pioneering environmentalist. Her work, Silent Spring (1962) highlighted the dangers of unregulated pesticide use. It played an important role in creating the modern ecological movement.

beauvoirSimone de Beauvoir (1908–1986) French existentialist philosopher. Simone de Beauvoir developed a close personal and intellectual relationship with Jean-Paul Satre. Her book “The Second Sex” depicted the traditions of sexism that dominated society and history. It was a defining book for the feminist movement.

mother-teresaMother Teresa (1910–1997) Albanian nun and charity worker. Devoting her life to the service of the poor and dispossessed Mother Teresa became a global icon for selfless service to others. Through her Missionary of Charities organisation, she personally cared for thousands of sick and dying people in Calcutta. She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1979.

dorothy-hodgkinDorothy Hodgkin (1910–1994) British chemist. Hodgkin was awarded the Nobel prize for her work on critical discoveries of the structure of both penicillin and later insulin. These discoveries led to significant improvements in health care. An outstanding chemist, Dorothy also devoted a large section of her life to the peace movement and promoting nuclear disarmament.

rosa-parksRosa Parks (1913–2005) American civil rights activist. Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her bus seat in Montgomery, Alabama, indirectly led to some of the most significant civil rights legislation of American history. She sought to play down her role in the civil rights struggle but for her peaceful and dignified campaigning she became one of the most well respected figures in the civil rights movements.

Queen Elizabeth II rosa-parks(1926– ) Since ascending to the British throne in 1952, Elizabeth has become the longest serving British monarch. She has witnessed rapid social and economic change and has been a unifying influence for Britain and the Commonwealth.

billie-hollidayBillie Holiday (1915–1959) American jazz singer. Given the title “First Lady of the Blues” Billie Holiday was widely considered to be the greatest and most expressive jazz singer of all time. Her voice was moving in its emotional intensity and poignancy. Despite dying at the age of only 44, Billie Holiday helped define the jazz era and her recordings are still widely sold today.

indira-gandhiIndira Gandhi (1917–1984) First female prime minister of India. She was in power from between 1966–77 and 1980–84. Accused of authoritarian tendencies she only narrowly avoided a military coup by agreeing to hold an election at the end of the “emergency period” of 1977. She was assassinated in 1984 by her Sikh bodyguards, in response to her storming of the Golden Temple.

eva-peronEva Peron (1919–1952) Eva Peron was widely loved by the ordinary people of Argentina. She campaigned tirelessly for both the poor and for the extension of women’s rights. She died aged only 32 in 1952.

betty-friedenBetty Friedan (1921–2006) American social activist and leading feminist figure of the 1960s. She wrote the best-selling book “The Feminine Mystique.” Friedan campaigned for an extension of female rights and an end to sexual discrimination.

margaret-thatcherMargaret Thatcher (1925–2013) The first female Prime minister of Great Britain, she governed for over 10 years, putting emphasis on individual responsibility and a belief in free markets.

marilyn-monroeMarilyn Monroe (1926–1962) American actress who became one of the most iconic film legends. Her films were moderately successful, but her lasting fame came through her photogenic good looks and aura of glamour and sophistication.

anne-frankAnne Frank (1929–1945) Dutch Jewish author. Anne Frank’s diary is one of the most widely read books in the world. It reveals the thoughts of a young, yet surprisingly mature 13-year-old girl, confined to a secret hiding place. “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.”

audrey-hepburnAudrey Hepburn (1929–1993) British actress. Influential female actor of the 1950s and 60s. Audrey Hepburn defined feminine glamour and dignity, and was later voted as one of the most beautiful women of the twentieth century. After her acting career ended in the mid 1960s, she devoted the remaining period of her life to humanitarian work with UNICEF.

germaine-greerGermaine Greer (1939– ) Australian feminist icon of the 1960s and 1970s, Germaine Greer enjoys raising contentious issues. In particular her book “The Female Eunuch” was a defining manifesto for the feminist movement, which proved influential in the 1960s.

maathaiWangari Maathai (1940–2011 ) Kenyan-born environmentalist, pro-democracy activist and women’s rights campaigner. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for efforts to prevent conflict through protection of scarce resources.

betty-williamsBetty Williams (1943– ) Together with Mairead Corrigan, Betty Williams campaigned to bring an end to the sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. They founded the Community for Peace and were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 (post dated for 1976).

billie-jean-kingBillie Jean King (1943– ) American tennis player. Billie Jean King was one of the greatest female tennis champions, who also battled for equal pay for women. She won 67 professional titles including 20 titles at Wimbledon.

billie-jean-kingShirin Ebadi (1947– ) An Iranian lawyer, Ebadi has fought for human rights in Iran, representing political dissidents and founding initiatives to promote democracy and human rights. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003.

bhuttoBenazir Bhutto (1953–2007) The first female prime minister of a Muslim country. She helped to move Pakistan from a dictatorship to democracy, becoming Prime Minister in 1988. She sought to implement social reforms, in particular helping women and the poor. She was assassinated in 2007.

OprahOprah Winfrey (1954– ) American talk show host and businesswoman. Oprah Winfrey was the first woman to own her own talk show. Her show and book club are very influential, focusing on issues facing American women.

madonnaMadonna (1958 – ) American pop star. Madonna is the most successful female musician of all time. She has sold in excess of 250 million records. She has also starred in films, such as Desperately Seeking Susan and Evita.

dianaDiana, Princess of Wales (1961–1997) British Royal princess who was noted for her humanitarian charity work. Despite her troubled marriage to Prince Charles, she was popular for her natural sympathy with the poor and disenfranchised.

j.k.rowlingJ.K.Rowling (1965– ) British author of the phenomenal best selling Harry Potter series. The volume of sales was so high, it has been credited with leading a revival of reading by children. She wrote the first book as a single mother, struggling to make ends meet, but her writing led to her great success.

Hilary Clinton (1947 – ) US politician who became the first women to run for the office of US president for a major political party (Democrats). Also served as  Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

j.k.rowlingTegla Loroupe (1973– ) Kenyan athlete. Loroupe held the women’s marathon world record and won many prestigious marathons. Since retiring from running, she has devoted herself to various initiatives promoting peace, education and women’s rights. In her native Kenya, her Peace Race and Peace Foundation have been widely praised for helping to end tribal conflict.

malalaMalala Yousafzai (1997– ) Pakistani schoolgirl who defied threats of the Taliban to campaign for the right to education. She survived being shot in the head by the Taliban and has become a global advocate for women’s rights, especially the right to education.

Missing from this list is Harriet Tubman, see below;

harriet tubman

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman by Squyer, NPG, c1885.jpg

Tubman c. 1885
Born Araminta Ross
c. 1822[1]
Dorchester County, Maryland, U.S.
Died March 10, 1913 (aged 90–91)
Auburn, New York, U.S.
Resting place Fort Hill Cemetery
Auburn, New York, U.S.
Residence Auburn, New York, U.S.
Other names Minty, Moses
Occupation Civil War Nurse, Suffragist, Civil Rights activist
  • John Tubman
    (m. 1844; div. 1851)
  • Nelson Davis
    (m. 1869; d. 1888)
Children Gertie (adopted)
  • Harriet Greene Ross
  • Ben Ross
  • Modesty (grandmother)
  • Linah (sister)
  • Mariah Ritty (sister)
  • Soph (sister)
  • Robert (brother)
  • Ben (brother)
  • Rachel (sister)
  • Henry (brother)
  • Moses (brother)

Harriet Tubman (born Araminta Rossc. 1822[1] – March 10, 1913) was an American abolitionist and political activist. Born into slavery, Tubman escaped and subsequently made some thirteen missions to rescue approximately seventy enslaved people, family and friends,[2] using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. She later helped abolitionist John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harpers Ferry. During the Civil War, she served as an armed scout and spy for the United States Army. In her later years, Tubman was an activist in the struggle for women’s suffrage.


Women Power

Of the 2010 Census population, 157.0 million were female (50.8 percent) while 151.8 million were male (49.2 percent). Between 2000 and 2010, the male population grew at a slightly faster rate (9.9 percent) than the female population (9.5 percent).

  • Women currently hold only 5.2% of CEO Positions
  • There has never been a woman President
  • There has never been a woman FBI Director
  • 2 of 84 Attorney Generals of the United States have been women
  • There are too few women in positions of power that would alleviate the circumstances of demanding sex for favors, employment and/or protection

With that being said, it’s not always men that demand sexual favors…….. even though it has never happened to me, by a woman…… Nor am I saying that any of the people that hold or held the positions listed above ever defiled or took advantage of a woman, they are just positions of power that can prevent those abuses.

WTF Moment


My buddy brought me to a strip bar a couple of weeks before I was going to get married. As I was just standing there, a stripper comes over and takes me upstairs. My buddy said that this one is on me. I went upstairs and she pulled my pants down and leaving me in my boxers. She pushed me on to the seat started with a lap dance, straddled me, then went down and started to perform fellatio. I said “what are you doing?” she said “your buddy paid for it, do you want me to stop?”. I had remained completely faithful to my fiance and she was pregnant but once she had started, I figure the rest didn’t matter. It caught me by surprise and wasn’t expecting it. When she finished, she did give me some nice parting words but I wasn’t married yet and I keep telling myself that because it kinda justifies it a little. Not my proudest moment but in my defense, if I have one, I really was caught by surprise and I, of course, told her, my fiance, soon to be wife, about it.

WTF Moment: Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

An Oklahoma man was shot to death by bystanders after he opened fire on a restaurant with patrons inside. The man, who says that gay demons were taking over his mind, was obviously in despair and had no clue what was happening to him. Why he felt that his only recourse was to open fire on innocent people is still unknown. Maybe he felt that the gay demons were emanating from inside this particular establishment. In the process a minor and her mother were shot, not killed, luckily.

Two men, one who was already in the vicinity of the establishment but not inside and one who was driving by, happened to be there and armed. They shot the suspect andmurder god ultimately killed him and his demon thoughts. It’s sad that anyone got shot and also that these demons seem to press on to the next person. This rash of demon thoughts seem to take a toll on innocent people but obviously the demons survive. These active shooter scenarios, all who had demon thoughts of different kinds, seem to always appear out of nowhere and from people that were demon free until that point. So, we put another notch on the headboard of the murder gods as they have succeeded in taking another soul.

The father and husband of the injured family went up to the individuals after the police subdued all three and asked the most poignant question, “Which one of you is responsible for injuring my family?” Not really an easy question to answer.



Me and an ex-girlfriend visited England. She entered the hotel to take care of the reservation while I paid for the taxi. While I was going into the hotel she stopped me and said we were leaving. I asked her why, she said ” the guy at the desk told me that I was 140 pounds at that if I would get the mini-fridge that I would be 150 pounds”.

Peace & Truth

KINDNESS IS FREE, sprinkle it all over the world, and 😁 smile