Lol… so much of it, I can’t smell the flowers anymore… or maybe that’s what the flowers smell like, who knows since it’s been so long since BS hasn’t been spread.

People don’t want to take the vaccine shots because of the distrust for government. Who can blame them. It was just this century that Hispanic women were forcibly sterilized without informed consent. From the Tuskegee project to the hysterectomies in immigration detention centers, to feet, thumbs, pinkies, nose, eyes and ears technology that come in waves and watts (electricity). Yet people are amazed that people don’t trust the government… and when they don’t, they’re called paranoid and that they have eccentric thoughts, lol, I mean if you’re rich, but if you’re poor, you’re just plain old crazy. BTW, eight people killed in Atlanta, just another crazy fucker, or maybe he was eccentric, have to check his bank account.

Sen. Johnson a racist, maybe, or maybe he just said what everyone feels, people are scared of people that don’t look like them. The mistrust, which is bad in such a diverse country. I guess walking in a predominantly white back country (no offense intended, seriously )would be scary for black and hispanic folk but not so much for Sen. Johnson but I feel alright walking in Paterson. It, that fear, is unfortunately something people were taught as kids. It’s reality. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is.

It really seems that the Repubs and Dems are the Jets and the Sharks, doesn’t it. Can they get on the same page on anything.

Still can’t find Dulce Avarez, but people don’t care. They just don’t want to start any waves. All this technology and we still can’t find a missing 5 year old.

On a good note, stimulus checks are going out and maybe the economy will bloom again. Crossing my fingers.

This is a 5 Terrorist 5 Kilo excerpt.

This is just a blog, form your own opinion on things.

One more thing, I’m in my 16th year of being investigated by the Feds… Shouldn’t have never filed that whistleblower paperwork. They really don’t like that.


<> on September 3, 2010 in Wellington, Colorado.

Undocumented citizens are a vital and integral part of the workforce. They work the jobs most U.S. citizens wouldn’t even think of working and, more to the point, they work jobs that employers wouldn’t hire a U.S. citizen to do in order to pad the bottom line, in some cases just to make a living.

Unauthorized Immigrants and U.S.-born Workers Have Different Occupational Profiles

This chart shows that undocumented citizens dominate the service, construction and farming industries. Let’s take each service one by one.

The service industry or the tertiary sector of industry is made up of waitresses and waiters, housekeepers, home health care workers, bartenders and we’ll add manufacturing jobs (since it isn’t added in the above chart) in the chicken factories and the like. Undocumented workers make up 33% while U.S. born workers make up 17% and I’m guessing that other 50% ran when you tried to ask them so, most likely, part of the undocumented crowd. These workers make less money then their U.S. counterparts, generally, and most likely do not have health care benefits, definitely do not have any safety nets like social security or maternity leave and will never see a pension. There is no 401K program for them or any ability to start an IRA. They sacrifice to keep our luxuries cheap. Salads are only $6 because of them and that’s a substantial mark up. Hotel stays are affordable because they are the people that mop the floors, clean the rooms and keep your boilers working but you never see them. And when you do, you throw a temper tantrum, i.e. the lawyer from NYC that famously went instagram special at a restaurant for yelling about the illegal workers in the kitchen and wanted them thrown out of the country because of their lack of loquaciousness but first he wanted the food he ordered.

Thinking about it, that paragraph pretty much takes all the industries they work in into consideration. Undocumented workers do the hard labor and menial jobs that need to be done but no one else wants to. This is the trade off for not having proper paperwork. They have to take the jobs no one else wants, get paid less than minimum wage, not ever get sick and make due to pay for themselves here and their families abroad. It’s a tough ask. Then you have political pundits that want them gone… at least until dinner time at their favorite restaurants or when the hotels they own need cleaning, then they can return, but right after they must get out, until tomorrow.

The reality is they don’t want them gone, they just want to have something to bitc….. gripe about. Their faux angst about people crossing illegally is just that.. faux, I’m pretty sure that means fake. They know exactly where these people are but they made laws that doesn’t allow for them to be caught. They drafted laws to give all service industry employers time to make sure that these people aren’t caught. Any raids into a business has to be given by written notice, one week in advance, in writing, I might have mentioned that already, with the exact time and place they are going to show up.

So the catch 22 isn’t any of what I just mentioned, even though very awful, it’s that these people, in particular the women and children are the most abused, I mean raped and molested and kidnapped, people in our country. That is a true fact. The problem is that they have no legal recourse and sometime the perpetrators are the ones that are suppose to do the investigating. The courts will not entertain any motion for relief and, more to the point the non citizen citizens are too scared to request help. As you see, even women that are here legally sometimes find it difficult to speak up, imagine being a non citizen citizen and your tormentor happens to be someone with some authority. I speak through personal experiences, having been in the Federal system for twenty years. I can absolutely tell you that their lives can be a nightmare that they can’t do anything about.

This is also why Hispanic COVID deaths are so high. They have to share a one bedroom apartment and they all have to go to work. They don’t have the option to stay at home and call in sick. They can’t receive unemployment benefits. They have no choice and you still treat them like bastard children from an unwanted pregnancy that your girlfriend had while your wife was at home taking care of the children you already ignore as you force these women to have sex with you and show their kids child porn. Well that was a mouthful. All this is easily preventable if you had the ability to empathize. You don’t have to love them, you just have to treat them like human beings. You know karma is a bitch and one day she will rear her beautiful head and you’ll start understanding.

If you are going to exploit them as cheap labor, you can at least give them the full protection of the law, but seemingly they get exploited and they get screwed, better yet are forced to get fucked.

It’s not slavery but it’s not not slavery either, it’s inhumane.

This is a 5 Terrorist 5 Kilos excerpt


True leaders are the ones that can make the tough calls, the right calls, and sometimes the unpopular calls. Anyone can lead by appeasement a true leader leads by virtue. Affable leaders change their minds, True leaders change the world.


Uhhhh. me crack giant walnut with my head

So it’s not bad enough that the left uses cancel culture, now the right has to use it as well, right after they said cancel culture is a plague on our society. This is ridiculous. We all knew what the President meant by neanderthal thinking. He meant stop thinking live cavemen. In boxing they have an old saying, when you got the match won, don’t stand and trade with a dangerous opponent. That means just what it says, when you won the bout don’t go out there and prove you can take one on the chin and get knocked out because you want to show the world you are tough, you keep your distance and move and get the win and feed your family. In this case, we have the virus where we want it, about to disappear, why would you give it one last shot to kill more people, one more opportunity to mutate into the world champion of viruses? That’s neanderthal thinking, that’s tough man bullshit that’s unnecessary. Because swing as much as you want, you ain’t knocking that silly little bastard out but he can kill you with one inhale. Be smart, stop cracking those giant looking walnut rocks on your head. That’s more wanting to be popular and remaining in power than it is making the tough calls and doing the right thing even if it means not getting reelected.

Some people might say it’s my decision and this is a free country, you’re right…. but the hospital you are going to when you become deathly ill is full of people that asked you to take precautions and now you are threatening their lives. The cost of taking care of you will undoubtedly be put on the tax payer unnecessarily…. you will undoubtedly get someone infected that trusts you to do the right thing and maybe snuff their lives out…. or maybe you are the lucky one that mutates that virus just enough to make all vaccines worthless. OR you can just endure for another 60 or so days and then be happy. Your choice.